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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Princess Cake Ideas For Birthdays

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  • appleguy123
    Feb 28, 08:43 PM
    No because heterosexuality is the default way the brain works

    Isn't it all hormonal mishaps in the womb? Does your God control that? If so, he is predisposing people to sin, and isn't that unfair that not all are exposed to that disposition?

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  • Fabio_gsilva
    Jul 28, 04:52 PM
    Thanks, and yes, me too. I just hope they do something to fill that headless hole between the mini and pro. And I hope the innards are more accessible than the mini.

    A headless iMac would be very nice to mee, indeed. I own a Mini, so I don't want to throw my keyboard, mouse and display right now... And I don't have enough money to replace them now too.

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  • GFLPraxis
    Mar 31, 02:39 PM
    You could say the same thing about Apple though. The Apple fad will go away and the extremely closed ecosystem which seems to not be really developing much in terms of UI or having an actual roadmap could end iOS.

    I don't understand why people can't just see the pros and cons of both and accept both are great platforms. Its always a WAR with Apple fans. Apple against EVERYONE!

    Wars are great for the economy. This IS a war. But we're the economy that benefits from it. And it doesn't have that "people dying" downside to traditional wars.

    Yay for corporate wars, since the winner is us!

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  • Satori
    Apr 6, 03:57 PM
    It'll take a while for any of the Android tabs to get a market foothold because Apple has all of the mindshare with the iPad right now... and every time a competitor releases a tab they give Apple more publicity by declaring that they have the iPad killer!

    For the average consumer, iPad is the category so it'll take a while for the competitors to register.

    Maybe, this will play out they same way as the iPhone, where android devices slowly took a foothold and then overtook iOS in market share. However, the ascendancy of android with the average consumer was at least partly because carriers who couldn't sell the iphone from the start had to push something else. This isn't the case with the iPad because they are unlocked and any carrier can sell them with a sim or wifi modem. So it might equally be like the iPod, where many worthy competitors were released but none captured a significant market share.

    I guess that time will tell.

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  • Miles Davis
    Sep 19, 04:26 AM
    Perhaps I didn't read this already, but has anyone thought that the reason Macbooks are pushed back is because Apple seems to be having serious problems with their Random Shutting Down? Computers are still out on repair for lots of people, they might be waiting for a new heatsicnk or logic board. I know I have to bring mine in for repair when i get back to the states...

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 11, 03:56 PM
    I'm talking PHONE. Wait 2 years or so on the tablets and it'll be the same thing. Apple just got too big of a head start on tablets.


    Uh huh, sure Tony. Of course this time around Google doesn't have the benefit of complete carrier penetration and the ability to highly subsidize the products from long-term wireless contracts. Trying to apply the Android growth curve from smartphones to tablets will be an exercise in futility.

    Good luck with your dream though.

    Nope. But a 50" 1080p is better than a 42" 1080p.

    It depends on if you have to put it in your pocket. ;)

    i'm talking about a user experience as a smartphone, and the iPhone does not deliver, where as Android OS does.

    Perhaps solely in the phone part of the equation. Here's the newsflash: the "smart" part of "smartphone" encompasses much more than a voice-driven contact list and actual phone calls.

    The iOS ecosystem completely destroys Android, no matter how many widgets you're able to install.

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  • mikeapple
    Apr 6, 10:44 AM
    Can we also expect, ?

    -Backlit keys
    -Brighter display, colors, and IPS
    -HD Facetime

    All would be greatly appreciated along with the Sandy Bridge

    fingers crossed for no Over-heating issues, you know how those turbo speeds can get and how they've treated the 13'' Pros

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  • gugy
    Aug 25, 09:33 PM
    well, I think Apple support can get much better. Lots of room for improvement.
    The usual phone hold is too long and sometimes it takes over 1 hour if you need to talk to a higher up to try to solve your problem

    I had my G5 Quad on repair for 3 weeks and during this time the Apple Store and Apple Computer would not give me much clarification about the problem. Meanwhile as a professional I was left without my main computer.
    I probably talked with more than 20 people during this process. Very frustrating experience.

    The thing I would like to ask Apple is to have a loaner computer program for professionals. I rather pay an additional $100 on Applecare as long I can get a computer with the same power of the one I have during this repair period. That way professionals are not left without their machines or Apple monitors during the ordeal.:(

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  • Spoony
    Mar 22, 01:08 PM
    What's with all these tablets being advertised in landscape??

    I've had the first ipad since it came out last year and I'd say my Portrait to landscape usage ratio is like 70% portrait / 30% landscape.

    I view webpages, read the WSJ, NYPost, books, ipod etc.. all in portrait.

    Landscape is for tv shows / movies and some games.

    Why are these tablets all designed as if the user is going to hold them landscape 90% of the time? Are magazines designed to be held landscape? I don't get these horizontal tablets.

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  • wpotere
    Apr 28, 06:45 AM
    Wow, this thread and the ridiculous nature of this issue are hilarious. Seriously, you wonder why the US is going down the pan when the entire nation seems to get caught up in a fight over a bloody birth certificate?

    Amusing isn't it?

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  • gnasher729
    Apr 8, 07:43 AM
    Isn't this hypocritical since Apple has been known to do this in their retail stores too?

    Sources? Evidence? Easy to make cheap accusations, much harder to prove them.

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  • Adam Lect
    Mar 26, 12:25 PM
    Mt. Fuji. A hat tip to Japan.

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  • aristotle
    Apr 6, 03:23 PM
    It'll be 100,001 when it comes out in the UK when mine gets delivered..... Roll on Saturday!:D
    Congrats, you will be able to play with the handful of apps designed for it.

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  • BJNY
    Aug 23, 09:38 AM
    My Quad G5 is silent as well, unlike Dual 2.7's which rev frequently.

    I was concerned that the fans at the rear ports never spin, even during the Apple Hardware Test, but I've noticed that in other Quads as well. CPU temps are 50 to 60 degrees celcius.
    Multimedia, would you confirm both with your Quad G5, please?

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 27, 08:24 AM
    Its not about being a criminal or paranoid. This data is for the sole purpose of marketers to sell us crap.

    Well, I'm tired of seeing ads everywhere I turn. You can't go to the bathroom now without seeing a ad shoved in your face and its becoming tiresome.

    Perhaps we can interest you in a *free mobile OS? Android. By Google.

    *funded by advertising

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  • myemosoul
    Jun 22, 03:27 PM
    I am in Southwest NJ by Philadelphia, Gloucester county.

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  • ChrisA
    Sep 13, 10:54 AM
    Arrays of cheap RAM on a PCIe card?

    The RAM companies don't seem interested in making wodges of slow cheap hi-cap ram, only in bumping up the speed and upping the capacity. For the last 10 years, a stick of decent RAM has always been about �100/ $100 no matter what the capacity / flavour of the moment is.

    Even slow RAM is still orders of magnitude faster than a HD, hence my point. There's various historical and technical factors as to why we have the current situation.

    I've also looked at RAID implementations (I run a RAID5) but each RAID level has its own problems.

    I've recently seen that single-user RAID3 might be one way forward for the desktop, but don't really know enough about it yet.

    The reason for the RAM improvoments in speed and size are that RAM (not CPU) is the main bottle neck in preformance. A CPU can only execute instructions as fast as they can be pulled out of RAM. Now you go and put multiple cores inthe box and the demand on RAM doubles.

    As for RAID. I think the way forward is Sun's "ZFS" file system. There was talk of that moving into Mac OSX and we know it is being ported to BSD Unix and Linux. Basically ZFS makes the RAID layer just go away

    Read more here...

    Sun has released this as Open Source. so it will get ported around to other OSes. I hear Sun's Dtrace is already in Leopard

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 12, 07:51 AM
    Maybe they need to wait in order to get 28/32nm A5 chips. No point in having an iPhone 5 with a 3 hour battery life

    Or maybe their waiting while the new antenna engineers they hired try and convince Steve to leave them alone to do their job.

    They want to put the antenna inside where it belongs.

    Jobs ego can't handle it.

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 16, 12:09 AM
    Dude I'm going to sell my dell.
    And buy a new Dell with these same chips and features ;)

    Aug 26, 11:40 PM
    I just called Apple support, I was on hold for over 20 minutes, then I was disconnected. No wonder people are unhappy :mad: :( :confused:
    I mentioned this on the battery recall forum, so ignore this post if you've already read it, but I think it may help explain why this sort of thing is happening.
    I know it's frustrating to wait to speak to a customer services rep when there's a potential problem with your Mac, but before complaining that Apple has a problem with customer service, let's look at things objectively.

    Let's say that Apple sells approximately 12,000 computers per day (a realistic estimate, based on their most recent financial statement). If 1 in 10 customers needs to speak with a customer services rep (this estimate is high, I think, but sometimes more than one consulation is required, so I will be generous with this number), and if a rep can deal with 10 problems per day (a very conservative estimate), then Apple could theoretically provide for all of its computer-related customer service needs with a total of 120 computer-oriented customer support staff (I am excluding iPod customer support staff from this discussion). Now, that number sounds really low, so let's multiply it by 10, for a total of 1200 customer support staff (this would mean that each would normally only have to deal with one customer per day). I understand that 1.8 million batteries were recalled, and this would mean that each customer support rep would have to deal with 1500 recalled batteries. Does anyone think that this can be done, along with all the other usual customer service needs, in a day, a week, or even a month? Apple is going to have to divert staff from other areas to deal with this problem. Remember, the number of batteries recalled is greater than the number of computers Apple ships in a quarter!

    Apr 10, 10:39 PM
    This is kind of ironic. My brother works in the video editing field and I was just talking about this only 5 minutes ago. He was lucky enough to "NAB" a ticket (pun fully intended) literally seconds before they sold out, and he'll be there for the presentation. He was telling me about this radical new overhaul for FCP, and I thought it was kind of weird that I hadn't seen any mention of it seeing as how I check Apple rumor blogs almost daily, so I logged onto macrumors and sure enough, it was the first story listed.

    I guess there's a lot of drama among the industry about Apple's refusal to release any kind of road map for FCP, not unlike their other products, and apparently a lot of people are starting to jump ship to Adobe's offerings. Everyone is pretty worried about this new overhaul because the guy who botched iMovie is the guy now in charge of FCP. I'm not into video editing, and I've never never used FCP or any product like it, but after hearing about all the drama and excitement surrounding this new overhaul I'm pretty stoked to see what happens.

    My brother is a diehard Apple guy, but he, along with a lot of other people apparently, are basically giving Apple this final shot to fix a lot of FCP's limitations, or they're going to fully move over to Adobe's offering. (I can't remember the name of heir FCP equivalent, and I'm too lazy to look it up) Tuesday can't come soon enough!The guy who 'botched' iMovie is the same person that created Final Cut and continues to work on Final Cut. Randy Ubillos has been the head of Apple's video editing suites/applications for as long as I can remember.

    Aug 12, 12:11 AM
    Is Europe not a way bigger mobile phone market than the US anyway. I don't see why any technology company would alienate a huge sector of its market in this way. It will definitely be released in Europe too.

    It will not be a flip phone, or a slide phone or any of those stupid ass gimmicky phones you use over there. It will be just a nano derivative I would say. It will be GSM, it will be quad band.


    Stevie J ;)

    Well if it's only going to be GSM, not a flip or slide phone you might as well not even release it in the US. Just ask Cingular how amazing the Slvr has done.

    Another thing you are assuming is that Apple considers Europe a major player of it's market. It's a chunk that's for sure but how many TV shows does Europe have on their iTunes?

    If it's a candy-bar phone I won't buy it. If I have to sacrifice coverage in the US just so I can use it on the very very very rare occasion I head to Europe (along with changing my plan to allow for overseas calls) I won't buy it either. I really think it'd be a bad idea to do all of that. But than again they did make the newton...

    Aug 17, 12:59 AM
    This is a very dumb question but is Photoshop running under rosetta in this test?

    If Photoshop is that is nuts.

    Mar 22, 02:25 PM
    The screen is not 50% smaller. Nice way of making yourself look stupid.
    What BaldiMac said. The 3" increase in screen size of the iPad more than doubles the screen's dimensions.