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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Outputs Of A Computer

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  • peharri
    Sep 26, 09:29 PM
    Cingular cellular service is only decent in a few areas and their customer service is the worst I've ever come across. If Apple wants to maintain/boost their image, Cingular will not help them in that area, not at all. Judging by this forum those things appear to be almost unanimous. I'd say it would be a bad move on Apples part to make an exclusive deal with Cingular for any bit of time. Anything longer than 6 months and Apple doesn't stand a chance succeeding. With competition mounting in the ipod arena, not updating their intel product fast enough and this. I'm afraid Apple will be hurting. Not something I wanna see.

    Here, let me help you with that.

    10 PRINT "Please enter the name of a US cellular provider"
    20 INPUT C$
    30 PRINT C$ + " cellular service is only decent in a few areas and their customer service is the worst I've ever come across. If Apple wants to maintain/boost their image, " + C$+ " will not help them in that area, not at all. Judging by this forum those things appear to be almost unanimous. I'd say it would be a bad move on Apples part to make an exclusive deal with " + C$ + " for any bit of time. Anything longer than 6 months and Apple doesn't stand a chance succeeding. With competition mounting in the ipod arena, not updating their intel product fast enough and this. I'm afraid Apple will be hurting. Not something I wanna see."

    Seriously, I'd say one or two are ok with the service (I was a fan of Sprint PCS round about 1999-2001), but as far as coverage goes, they're all pretty much as bad as each other. Sure, NetCell is WAAAY better than ComuNet where you live, but where Fred lives, he can only get one bar on ComuNet and nothing at all with NetCell, but OmniCell gets a strong signal, but OmniCell doesn't even have a license where I am, I have to go with RuralFone.

    We're almost done with the consolidations so I don't think coverage in general is going to improve. On the other hand, both GSM operators have announced plans to roll out UMA (GSM over 802.11g/Bluetooth), which means if they can't fix their effing networks, we'll be able to do it for them, soon. T-Mobile's should be announced any day now. I suspect once the GSM operators have it, the CDMA operators will follow.

    As for customer service, the best solution is to sign for the shortest contract you can. That way, a bad experience can be followed by a quick walk to the local phone dealer (or even better, the Internet.) Don't ever, ever, accept a two year contract.

    Oh and one more thing. There is no phone.

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  • thworple
    Oct 27, 10:25 AM
    I'm sorry, what part of 'private property' don't you people understand?

    They weren't trespassing or anything like that!!! Its not like they wandered onto someone's back yard and started selling lemonade from a small stand without permission.

    They had purchased a small stall there and went about their business handing out leaflets highlighting their concerns at Apple's environmental policy, as well as giving people some tasty Organic Apples (which many, myself included, lapped up ;) ).

    Sure, they wandered away from their stall to the entrance to hand out leaflets, but so did half or dozen or so other stallholders. The fact remains that I haven't heard of anyone else being ejected because of this. And it makes you concerned that they were singled out because of the message they were trying to convey.

    I was personally more bothered by the people trying to sell you something you didn't want as soon as you entered the Expo (that and the fact that every time I went to the Google stand they'd run out of sweets! :rolleyes: )

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  • anthonymoody
    Aug 28, 03:12 PM
    With the switch to Intel, Apple may have to provide timely upgrades to remain competitive with Windows-based PC manufacturers.

    Aint that the understatement of the year!


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  • deputy_doofy
    Aug 29, 08:18 AM
    Apple is going to have a serious backlog of orders, I think. I know I'm buying the upcoming MBP. This waiting does suck, though.
    However, I have seen Apple release products silently on Monday, Tuesday, AND Wednesday, so there's a possibility, albeit extremely slight, that we could see something tomorrow. Next week looks more likely. :|

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 15, 10:12 AM
    Have anybody seen a benchmark which compares the core 2 duo with the actuall core duo?

    I can only see benchmarks between core 2 duo and AMD CPU's and standard dual core Pentium 4 cpu.


    Core 2 duo out so far is a desktop chip being compared against other dektop chips. The Core Duo only came as a notebook chip (with one version as a very low power server chip, Sossaman)

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 22, 08:58 AM
    How about this:

    When you are born, you are given, in effect a serial number. which is yours as a human being for life.

    When you buy any digital media, this is linked to our number for life.

    This means for as long as you live, and whatever device you buy, you can access this media always.

    So I buy and iPad and I pay for the "RIGHTS" to watch/own a movie.

    I have paid my money and now that movie is mine to watch any time in the future on whatever device I buy in the future.

    Wow... I want what you're drinking! :p

    BTW... sort of what you described, minus the tattoo on your forehead, is called an iTunes account with a cloud service. :rolleyes:

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  • donlphi
    Sep 12, 02:40 PM
    Err, can someone please explain what the fascination is over "gapless playback"?:o

    <pretty please>

    As of now, If I rip my Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon Album onto iTunes and put it in my iPOD, there are little gaps in between songs. If you listen to the album on CD, the tracks change, but there are no gaps, one song goes into the next.

    The same could be said for other music, classical music that is multiple movements, but THROUGH composed might have track changes, but lead from one section to the next.

    Kind of a small thing, but a good thing none the less.


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  • mahonmeister
    Sep 14, 01:44 AM
    This is just torture. If they get it out before christmas then great. Otherwise I'd rather anticipate iTV, C2D Books and mini, and Leopard.

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  • gnasher729
    Mar 30, 12:14 PM
    What about "Burger Store" ?

    Let's say you have a conversation with a friend like this "I'd really like a burger right now. " "Ok, where shall we go? " "To the nearest xxx, of course!". Which of these could you imagine saying without your friend thinking you are weird:

    Burger King
    Mc Donald's
    burger place
    burger store.

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  • ScubaDuc
    Sep 14, 08:55 AM
    New version of Aperture!.. Saweeet

    or more likely a new Apple iSLR

    16 Megapixels
    full frame sensor
    Adaptive lens mount supports all Canon and Nikon Lenses
    60gb removeable 1.8" hard drive
    3" OLED screen
    Shoots in a new Apple RAW format
    eye tracking for focus
    Spot metering
    1/8000 shutter with 150,000 shutter life
    Full weather sealing
    Magnesium body
    6fps (up to 25 raw frames)
    Depth of Field Preview
    Pop up flash
    802.11 Wifi
    GPS built in
    Optional Battery Grip
    Scrollwheel navigation for menu system
    Apple iScreen Digital Image processor
    64 Segment Metering and Spot Metering
    Supports Compact Flash

    Ohhh, Please let it be watertight to at least 100ft/30 meters while we are at it..:rolleyes:

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  • hob
    Aug 31, 07:37 PM
    So does anyone know where in London it will be shown, except BBC TV centre by invite only?

    Better yet, how do I get an invite?!

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  • gnasher729
    Jul 20, 07:38 AM
    Just a thought:

    If Apple had gone with AMD instead of Intel as many people demanded when the move to x86 chips was announced, wouldn't Apple and Steve Jobs look really stupid today?

    Since Intel announced that their four core chips would be available in the last quarter there is another possibility now for Mac Pros: Just Conroe chips for the "low end" replacing the dual core G5s, and the quad core G5 remains the last PowerPC until it is replaced in the last quarter with a much cheaper quad core system based on Intel's Kentsfield quad core desktop chip. Depends on how urgent it is for Apple to finish the transition.

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  • Machead III
    Sep 4, 04:03 AM
    Oh man, this just get's more and more confusing.

    Now The Register are claiming there'll be Merom's not only in the MacBook Pro, but in the MacBook too in September.


    I wish Apple'd tell us when we'll see them at least, on the 12th, but that's not going to happen :(

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  • miamialley
    Mar 23, 05:38 PM
    Nobody likes drunk driving, but Apple cannot pull this. Freedom of speech!

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  • Erasmus
    Aug 29, 06:35 AM
    Not in MacBook nor MacBook Pros because they have no socket. You can only upgrade mini and iMac with Merom because only they both have compatible sockets. :rolleyes:

    I'm pretty sure the guy doesn't deserve to be shot down.

    It seems to me that by "MB" he did not bean "MacBook" as is the most common use of these two letters, but "Mother Board" which makes perfect sense, covers all Yonah macs and is perfectly true. Disregarding the soldering issue of the 'books, which is a different point.

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  • gkarris
    Apr 25, 02:35 PM

    iPad Pro... :eek:

    ha, ha....

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  • seek3r
    May 4, 08:33 AM
    Personally I'm a huge fan of daisy chaining. Less devices, less cables, less clutter. You just attach each device to the next.

    What is it you have an aversion to?

    What if I need to pull a drive somewhere in the chain but I'm still accessing a device farther along the chain? Daisy chaining is a *massive* pain for anyone who deals with external devices that aren't permanently, or at least semi-permanently, hooked up to a single machine!

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  • manu chao
    Apr 11, 05:56 AM
    Care to actually show me what app that will actually do what I was talking about? :rolleyes:
    I want to play music from iTunes on my Mac as the source, and multiple airplay devices as the target. Currently I can only play to Airport Expresses and Apple TVs (and upcoming Airplay certified speakers). I want Apple to include all iOS devices to that list of target devices.
    As mentioned multiple times in this thread: Airfoil
    Airfoil runs on your Mac, Airfoil Speakers on your iOS devices. Start Airfoil Speakers (which is a free app) on your iOS devices and then select inside Airfoil on the Mac on which devices you want your sound being played. You can let it play on multiple devices at the same time and the app does a decent job of synchronising the sound. In addition to iOS devices any Airport Expresses and Apple TVs can also be selected. And you can select to broadcast the sound of individual applications on the Mac only (eg, iTunes only to avoid other system sounds being transmitted).

    Or, for simpler needs, just enable Home Sharing in iTunes and play your Mac's iTunes content directly from your iOS device.

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  • karsten
    Apr 20, 09:57 AM
    i'm tired of companies taking our privacy so lightly. makes a consumer feel like a dumb piece of meat. i hope someone files a lawsuit over this. any sneaky tactics like this should be outright banned by the government. maybe once we get some politicians of a younger generation in there who are more aware of these issues they will actually do something to protect the consumer from greedy and arrogant corporations. i hope but i'm not sure i will ever see this dream realized the way government currently lets companies run rampant.

    Apr 28, 03:28 PM
    Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.... Oh and beat Microsoft in first Quarter profits. :cool:

    Apr 22, 02:19 AM
    I really hope this happens but I have a feeling that it will be hobbled in some way. If it runs from an iTunes master copy of songs then it might preclude people uploading music that has been ripped from CDs or bought somewhere else (like Amazon).

    Actually, Amazon gives you 5 gigs of space on your cloud drive for your own MP3s. When/if you buy songs from them, you get additional space for the songs you've purchased.

    Sep 13, 09:27 PM
    this is definitely a style over functionality....how da heck do you dial a number with clickwheel?

    of course, if this is a slider phone like chocolate, then this is an awesome design.

    Mar 30, 11:53 AM
    Microsoft needs to get bent!:mad:

    Sep 13, 09:08 PM
    This is stated so matter of fact. There is no ? in the title. How certain is arn? He always uses ?

    I am quoting myself! arn went ahead and added to question mark to the title.

    QCassidy352, you can deposit your savings in my escrow account and we will see if this thing happens.