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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lido De Jesolo

Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Eidorian
    Sep 9, 01:09 PM
    The biggest advantage is that you get quad cores without having to pay for Xeon chipsets and memory.

    It's also big for the Windows/Linux side of the world. Much of the software is licensed per socket.

    - XP Home - 1 socket
    - XP Pro - 2 sockets
    - Win2k3 Server - 4 sockets

    With a quad core, you can run an 8 CPU XP Pro system without forking over the bucks for Windows Server. Add to that per-socket licensing for many software packages, and it's a huge cost savings.

    Careful here - it's almost as good as the current Mac Pro quad configuration. There you have two dies communicating over the FSB and Northbridge...Oh yeah, I forgot about the Windows socket limitations. I know it'll be a great performer but a "better" chip will always come out later. Kentsfield appears to be an Extreme Edition chip until quad core trickles down to more normal desktops. Still, I can see some new Mac Pro running off a single Kentsfield.

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • zap2
    Apr 11, 03:22 AM
    All those monthly bills add up. I'm glad I never bought an iPhone, for example, when they first came out. I've saved a ton of money not buying the required data plan that goes comes with it. I don't want to put words in your mouth but it sounds like our priorities are all wrong and I agree.

    I don't see what your point is...how does that respond to the person you quoted? He was saying people made bad choice due to keep oil and you say "I'm glad I didn't get an iPhone right away"

    The price of gas living in suburbia is much more of a drain on a household then an extra 20 dollars for iPhone data. 20 bucks is nothing in a month of gas. And for the amount of usage iPhones often get(like in my case) it is well worth the money for many people.

    Don't criticize people for making different choices then yourself

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • vincebio
    Sep 14, 08:05 AM
    here we go again

    apple are on fire at the moment.....bring it on

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • DVK916
    Sep 17, 07:56 PM
    OK. hang on. back the f&6king truck up.

    maybe we're backwards here. but i have NEVER, EVER heard of ANY kind of phone service where INCOMING calls are anything BUT free (excluding reverse-charge, obviously).

    Im sorry, but if you all accept crappy CDMA phones specific to a carrier, and paying for incoming calls, you are kidding yourself if you think you are anything but backwards. (i wont go into the whole metric thing :P )

    Sprint has free unlimited incoming calls. Also some providers have unlimited incoming and outgoing calls if you don't travel beyond your city.

    Also CDMA isn't crappy it offers higherspeed than HSDPA while using less spectrum.

    CDMA Rev A offers 3.8 down and 1.8 up in only 1.25 mhz of spectrum versus HSDPA of up too 14mbps down and 2 up in 5 mhz of spectrum. But with Rev B which is a software upgrade CDMA will have around 16mps down and 10mbps up in 5mhz of spectrum.

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • damienvfx
    Sep 12, 05:18 PM
    Kind of a huge gap, don'cha think? For an extra $100 I can nearly TRIPLE the capacity? Why would I even consider a 30 GB model?

    I imagine the 80 is about the same size. I'd go with the 30 if I was in the market for a regular iPod. Honsestly though, I can't stand feeling the hard drive move in my hand with the regular iPods.

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • Lesser Evets
    Mar 22, 02:56 PM
    I wouldn't be surprised if the iMac and new Mac mini are the replacement for the Mac Pro...

    By the time November comes around, Thunderbolt may cause the death of the Mac Pro.

    Your logic is half-baked. The MacPro has one specific function which the iMac will probably never have: instant customization. You can stack tons of drive space in them, tons of RAM, and choose any sort of monitor config.

    Sure, iMacs might be able to do something like that, but with a lot of garbage floating around and cluttering everything. Also, the processors in the Pro are always beefier.

    However, I'd agree that for almost all people in the market, an iMac would be just as good as a MacPro. In 4 years I will probably replace my 2007 Pro with an iMac. Spending $4000 for a good Pro isn't worth it compared to $2000 for an iMac.

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • SolRayz
    Mar 23, 06:12 PM
    The beautiful thing is that this is great advertisement for the app. I bet more people have downloaded this than ever before. I didn't know about this app until today, so thanks for that senator dumbfukz...

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 30, 05:43 PM
    Those guys must not have existed before the advent of LCD monitors... what did those guys do with the big glass tubes ?

    Bought monitors with anti-glare coatings. And monitor hoods.

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • sailnavy
    Apr 22, 11:34 AM
    Are there any Thuderbolt devices yet?

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • vvswarup
    Apr 30, 09:49 PM
    Microsoft doesn't really play in the consumer / gadget / toy market, which simply means that you don't get to see most of their products unless you work in a corporate data center. And unlike Apple, Microsoft -has- data center / server products that people WANT to use and that are years ahead of the pack (Sharepoint Portal Server, Exchange Server, SQL Server, Terminal Services, just to name a few) - and a LOT of their RD goes there.

    This sounds like "sour grapes."

    Also, nobody here should kid themselves - Microsoft still OWNS the desktop and office suite markets. Around a BILLION computers run their software, and even most Macs are dead in the water without Microsoft Office and/or Microsoft Windows (in Boot Camp, Parallels, Fusion, VirtualBox).

    That's the whole point. Microsoft owns the desktop and office suite markets, yet, Microsoft is unwilling to move on to markets that have more potential to grow.

    So Apple was more profitable in the last quarter. Big deal. Somebody with enough time on their hands might want to analyze the spending behavior and amount of staff and level of salaries to find out -WHY- that was the case. Maybe the guys at Microsoft have higher salaries and more vacation. Maybe Ballmer put more money into RD and marketing than in the last quarter. Maybe they bought more startups than before.

    Nice try, but you're dead wrong here. Apple already beat Microsoft in revenue a couple of quarters ago. So don't even try to chalk it up to Apple being "cheap." Apple has already beaten Microsoft in Revenue.

    Actually, who cares. Both companies are extremely profitable, but Microsoft has been profitable for a couple of decades more than Apple (who almost died in the 1990s while Microsoft was making more money than anybody else).

    Now this is trying to make light of the matter. Apple beat out what was once the world's largest tech company. When Apple's market cap surpassed Microsoft's, people called Apple overvalued. They still call Apple overvalued. Now, Apple has beaten Microsoft in profits.

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • cube
    Apr 22, 01:43 PM

    The MBA looks bad as an ultraportable? L.O.L.

    The MBP is for people who want a powerful notebook. People who want a laptop capable of using parts that equal 85-watts or higher.

    I don't want a MacBook Air. I want a MacBook Pro without an optical drive that is slightly thinner than the current MacBook Pro.

    If you think the only thing that separates the MacBook Air from the Pro is an optical drive then I'm wasting my time arguing with you. Clearly someone that thinks a 15" Zacate notebook with an optical drive makes a 15" MacBook Pro with a quad core 45 watt CPU and a 25W+ GPU without an optical drive look bad is someone that knows little about what they're talking about.

    I don't see HP Envy owners complaining about their lack of an optical drive inside their machines nor do I see people knock that particular fact about the Envy.

    So, ONE netbook which has an optical drive. Which makes the MBA look bad because it doesn't have one.

    Actually, most netbooks make the MBA look bad because it doesn't have gigabit ethernet.

    And a 15" Zacate which is not a notebook because the CPU is too weak, it's not a netbook, and it's not an ultraportable because it's too big would make an MBP without optical disk look bad because of the price, even if it has little reason to exist (unclassifiable in a bad way).

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • markw10
    Sep 14, 11:33 AM
    I would imagine with all the competition coming out with Core 2 Laptops Apple is going to have to move soon and it would be in the MBP, not Macbook. yet if there's limited supplies it's not much they can do but I'm kind of shocked they put it in the imac first. Does anyone know of a breakdown in sales of how they sell (the different product lines). Maybe the imac is the largest seller.

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • JoeG4
    Apr 25, 12:15 AM
    Out in my neck of the woods we have a pretty well strapped police dept and they DO respond to 911 calls about drunk drivers. In fact, in Cali there's signs all over the place telling you to call 911 to report them. lol :)

    Glad I don't live where you do :P

    Ok, it's obvious you're very confident behind the handling abilities of your car, so hear me out:

    * What kind of car is it
    * When was the last time you checked your brakes
    * How old are your tires, what kind are they, and when was the last time you checked the tire pressure - what was it?
    * When was the last time you inspected your tire treads and suspension

    I hope you can answer some of these questions.

    Admittedly, if you don't do any of the above your car might be unsafe at any speed.

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • nevir
    Sep 1, 10:41 AM
    The way I see it is why buy a product when it is being improved (no matter how little or much) and should be the same price or lower... most likely within the next few weeks?

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Full of Win
    Mar 22, 08:26 PM
    Still rockin' the 2008 24" Core2 Duo 3.06 Ghz iMac. Best Mac I've ever owned. Next Mac will be whatever the largest screen they make and fastest chip they have whenever this one dies. 100% sold on the iMac.

    I'm still rockin on a 20 inch late 06 iMac. It's been relegated to email checker and emergency C4D node...the thing will not die.

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • CheeseFrog
    Mar 23, 05:55 PM
    I agree with you. if someone is drunk and is still able to operate the app they could be a hazard if they avoid these points.
    That's GREAT. Call me crazy, but I actually want to know where these streets are that drunks are avoiding so that I can take them and not have to worry about getting t-boned by Drunky McDrunkerton.

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • JoeG4
    Apr 25, 01:38 AM

    Sadly, this sorta thing only reinforces the stereotype about BMW drivers. .. and teen drivers too!

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • jettredmont
    Sep 5, 03:10 PM
    So, any bets on the new name for Airport Extreme?

    My bets:

    Airport Super K-Rad
    Airport Gnarly Waves
    Airport Excellent
    Airport 3: Direct to Video!

    Lido De Jesolo. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • edk99
    Mar 23, 06:36 PM
    I prefer to see the apps pulled. Some apps are best not available. Maybe we could add others, like the locations of the various whorehouses, and best corners for buying drugs.

    It certainly doesn't hurt to add to Apple's No Porn standards.
    But why? Trapster has been around for a long time telling people about red light cams and speed traps. Haven't heard any complaints about it warning people about these things.

    So how is warning someone about a DUI check point any different? I mean if I want to run red light and speed today I would want to know where the red light cams and speed traps are right? These things are illegal too :rolleyes:

    Apr 11, 11:47 AM
    if you have marantz speakers...... you have 40 dollars.

    True, but if you've just spent �450 on the receiver and another �100 or so on speakers you'd maybe resent having to shell out more for AirPlay.

    Apr 20, 11:03 AM
    Indeed. You couldn't dumb down that statement if you tried.

    Go hang at dailykos.com. Macrumors appears to be above your pay-grade.

    How is the coffee?

    Apr 17, 08:55 PM
    I don't know if i can. Give me some time. But doesn't it make sense that if u stop using something that killed disease spreading insects that the insects will continue to spread the disease?

    What if the DDT destroys frogs and kills birds? They are two of the mosquitoes biggest enemies. That will obviously only make the problem worse, won't it?

    Malaria is a big killer but mosquito nets can make an enormous difference as well as education about what causes malaria.

    Reaching for a can of toxic chemicals isn't always the best solution. If we don't approach a problem holistically, all we do is create more problems down the road.

    Do you know what PCBs are? Did you know that small Aleutian Islands qualify for EPA cleanup (http://juneauempire.com/stories/081197/toxins.html)even though no PCBs have ever been on the island?

    Higher levels of PCBs were found in otters taken from Adak than from otters taken off the coast of California, the scientists said. Their findings were reported in a study published last month in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin.

    Enough DDT was found in egg samples from eagles on Kiska Island to indicate the pesticide may be harming the bird's ability to reproduce in one of the nation's most remote areas, scientists said.

    Sep 12, 03:33 PM
    I meant return window..its just one day. Im not sure about the return but just give it a shot. If they ask, tell them you'd like to buy the new version. Be polite but firm as much as possible and you should be fine. Worst case scenario is they say no BUT you won't feel bad because you're current iPod is definately not out of date from what i see today

    o dude ;)

    that was really, really reassuring and comforting!!! thank you :D

    well yes i might try that, but even if my attempt failed i won't bother to manage to get the new one, cause as you pointed out, there obviously aren't that much of major differences, as most of us seem to agree upon.....

    right now i'm in korea, and it's 5:30 in teh morning... had to stay up all night to get the live broadcast.... it was very enthralling and stuff, all was good except that it'd hurt my productivity today.... haha

    well just saying!

    Dec 31, 01:57 AM
    Yes, this sticky obtrusive and uninstallable piece of junk that constantly plagues people in the PC world (not to mention it radically slows your machine down. I recently installed Flash player on the PC side and without my permission McAffe was installed....ARGGGHH. Now they want to infect the Mac world....PLEASE NO!

    Hurf. There was a checkbox for installing a trial version. You didn't uncheck it.

    Maybe this is why you're using OSX then. It makes choices for you. Not yours, but you know...