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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Indian Bridal Makeup

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  • balamw
    Aug 23, 11:05 PM
    1. Apple infringed on the patent
    2. Apple paid license for use of the patent
    3. Go watch TV.. show over folks.
    You forgot:

    0. Once issued, even the most bogus patent has the presumption of validity.

    I look forward to the recent IBM proposals to create a Wiki for reviewing patents before they issue. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2006/08/21/8383639/index.htm


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  • billyboy
    Sep 17, 07:28 AM

    ...the US which, sure, adopted cell phone use, but the landline service infrastructure that was already in palce held them back-why shell out for new tech when we can plug the old tech and rake in the money. It's funny, the US initial lead actually turned to a disadvantage for them (us).

    Europe is so far ahead of the US in what and how cell phone technolgy is used.

    Within the US, innovate or die, and elegant solutions to technology seem to be a purely Apple idea. US cell phones and cars, to name but two, seem to be archaic in design and function compared to elsewhere in the world. With that latest gold trimmed Cadillac SUV the size of a small bus and a 1980´s flip up phone, the US is all set to lead the way to retro.

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  • ccoulson
    Mar 30, 12:20 PM
    Microsoft struck back ... saying "the compound noun 'app store' means simply 'store at which apps are offered for sale,' which is merely a definition of the thing itself--a generic characterization."

    Therefore, the compound name "Microsoft" must simply be a soft thing that is becoming micro in relevance (and business ethics)...

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  • SBacklin
    Apr 22, 09:47 AM
    It is true, its all hearsay until Apple dishes out details. Without knowing the details the potential paths that this can take is what is causing people to be concerned. Personally, I believe that it will be some kind of backup locker to what you have. Like you can pick and choose what songs you want in the cloud and any iTunes purchases will have a copy there automatically. However, I'm just concerned that it might be the idea of replacing local storage. Simply put, its not time yet for that. Too many things will hamper happy adoption of such ideas.

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  • AlBDamned
    Aug 23, 04:58 PM
    A little-known company, and that was to create it's product. If apple buys one of their largest competitors, that will raise a few eyebrows.

    Largest in a sense but Creative is hardly a competitor. The largest out of 25% is substantial in everyday terms but I think it's safe to assume the MS Zune would have destroyed their market share. And I wouldn't have cared if this lawsuit had flattened creative (as it was due to do before they won the patent filings).

    Creative make feature-filled products but they lack a) finesse and b)the iTunes music store.

    If Creative hadn't won the patent fight they would have already filed for bankruptcy by now.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 19, 09:59 PM
    Please come to Korea. Samsung have been doing this illegally for years, often suing the small person to popperdom. No big corporation is good, but when you attach massive corps under the umbrella of a conglomerate, you combine all of that evil into one massive black hole.

    At least Apple try to get to the bottom of suicides and deaths at their factories; at least they have only one core business to protect ruthlessly. Samsung (indeed, the biggest copycat I've seen) are huge pirates (selling fake DVD's/CD's in their grocery stores; rebadging Mercedes, Nissan, etc., cars for their own line; buying out large portions of most newspapers here). Apple's rise to the top has been fettered with bad, but not outright illegal bad to the extent Samsung's has.

    Now we have bad planting a peck on evil.
    I fly internationally for business, with three visits per year to a different division of Samsung.

    Please do not get me wrong, I am not advocating for them.

    I have a full understanding of the business culture of both Samsung and Apple. The point I'm making is Apple could choose to take the high road, no one is forcing their hand, nor will Apple suffer.

    Apple's track record is too well established, just witness their overwhelming success.

    There is simply no reason, contrary to what some may believe, for Apple to add yet another law suit to the long list they've originated.

    Apple could have chosen to be a world class leader with a great positive aire of confidence, not fear and paranoia.

    It's no secret that Samsung and others run a rough and tumble business in their region.

    Finally, its my preference to choose the products that suit my needs no matter who builds them.

    We live in a global economy without the luxury of choosing the country of manufacturer. While it could be argued "just don't buy from them". We all know that isn't going to hurt a huge company one bit.

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  • kresh
    Apr 28, 09:22 PM
    I do know that you have no idea what Certified Cost Engineer

    So you're that SOB that sticks a $0.25, engineered to fail, part in an otherwise outstanding product? :eek:


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  • seenew
    Aug 31, 02:03 PM
    There will are not relay organized at AppleExpo

    Wtf does that even mean?!

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  • fxtech
    Apr 19, 08:37 AM
    Who is this Samsung who has developed most of its own stuff? Living abroad casts a good shadow on Samsung, but in its home country, Sammy is just a thug with endless pockets (thanks to tax freedom granted by the Korean government). Samsung buy out other techs and then put their badge and later, establish their name as the manufacturer. They are NOT innovators.

    Yeah Apple has never done that.

    Except for NeXT, Motion, Final Cut Pro, Color, Aperture, the list goes on...

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  • nitynate
    Sep 12, 02:53 PM
    Dear Apple,

    I appoligise for my earlier outburst.
    I really do love you.

    Well.... In a creepy-ish kind of way. THATS NOT THE POINT!!!!!

    I want the 8GB nano in green.


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  • ctdonath
    Mar 23, 08:07 AM
    What ThunderPort devices are you planning to buy? When will they be available?

    LaCie 1TB Little Big Disk (http://www.lacie.com/products/product.htm?pid=11625), available Summer 2011. 10Gb/s transfer rate; copy an HD movie in 30 seconds.

    If I'm going to buy a Mac of any flavor now, I'll delay a bit for a Thunderbolt-capable version 'cuz I'll be stuck with it for long after compatible devices become available.

    I heard lame snide remarks like yours when USB first showed up. "Only Macs have it! Are you sure compatible devices will arrive within 22 years? What USB devices are you planning to buy? When will they be available?" You don't even have the name right. Meh.

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  • Macginger
    Mar 22, 01:44 PM
    As someone looking forward to buying my very first Mac desktop; I must say this is a pretty lame rumour. 'Sandy Bridge'? 'Thunderbolt'? Nothing surprising; everyone here was expecting these two items. I want more specific rumours!:p

    The wait continues...:(

    Don't forget the possibility of better graphics and SSD as standard, now thats gotta be worth a grin :)

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  • hoonu
    May 3, 07:07 PM
    The amount people who want to use the iMac as a display is a small group?

    We're talking consoles, PCs, Macs, phones, tablets, media players, blue-ray players.

    I think we'd see a large amount of people like this features, plus it would make the iMac a much more attractive purchase, as it would still be a fine display even after the hardware in it is too old. I know it would most likely make me go for the iMac over the Mac mini(although most likely I'm waiting for the mini before any purchases)

    My point exactly. My iMac is already behind my i7 2600k build and cannot shake a stick to it when it comes to everyday computing and hardcore rendering. However... I guess I'm going to be in the market for a new monitor once this thing dies. Sadly the new iMac wont be on my list.

    What's frustrating is that if and when this iMac dies (my 24" died when they tried to repair a ghosting issue), they will give me the latest and greatest which is nothing more than a slightly faster CPU and GPU with the biggest feature missing.

    I could give 2 ***** about TB connectivity since hardly any hardware exists for it ATM.

    Like I said... when the day comes and my iMac takes a ****, my replacement is going to eBay and will be my last Mac until they can target more than just the "pretty computer demographic".

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  • freiheit
    Sep 9, 05:20 PM
    What i find odd is that it appears to allow 1 or 2GB in either slot, but no more than 3GB in total. That is obviously the maximum the board can take, but it would have made a little more sense to allow 2GB in each.

    I wholeheartedly agree. I'm at a point (thanks to apps like Parallels) where I am ready to replace both my PC and my G5 PowerMac with a single system. I can't really justify the cost of the MacPro (even the low-end is over $2K) but if I'm to be running both Mac and Windows simultaneously, 4GB RAM capacity in the iMac would be very much appreciated. 3GB would do, but the cost difference between the 2GB and 3GB option right now is extremely high ($575 more to go from 2GB to 3GB, not $575 total for 3GB) which puts the 17" iMac right in the price range of the low-end MacPro.

    Did anyone else also notice the verbage in the "how much RAM do I need" section on the iMac store page that says you can choose a "one SO-DIMM" option to keep 2 slots free? Why do I not see this as an option? There's 2x512MB, 2x1GB and 1x2GB+1x1GB.

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  • scottsjack
    Apr 30, 07:58 PM
    It cracks me up reading posts that stress how something is dead and done for it or that something will never happen. Some posters seem to put so much effort trying to promote how BluRay (which they most likely don't personally use) is dead or that Thunderbolt (a brand new technology just barely getting off the ground) can't be any good because no one is using it.

    Maybe doom and gloom is just empowering for some folks. It seems short sighted to me.

    Based on my daughter's C2D iMac 21.5 I'm expecting the news ones to be pretty spectacular in spite of the shiny screen that kept me from wanting one.

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  • mrsir2009
    Apr 25, 03:38 PM
    Those having glossy screens sure will need an automated screen wiper to go with their new laptops. They've got no touch screens and we take care to not touch them, but eventually the screens get dusted and/or fingerprinted all over.

    Look at this iPad. Isn't it disgusting?

    Image (http://www.tema.ru/jjj/apple-2.jpg)

    Sure it's not how it looks in ads. It's a real thing in real use.

    I also expect a screen wiper in iPad 3, by the way. Screw the liquid metal and gimme the ol' good wiper, please. Or make it matte/Pixel Qi, for heaven's sake.

    Meh. Both my MacBook Pro's and Samsung touchscreen cellphone's screens look like that when they're turned off and being viewed in the light from that angle. But you don't notice it when the device is turned on and you are looking directly at it :)

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  • 2nyRiggz
    Sep 12, 02:13 PM
    So is this ipod still a 5G or 5.1G.....well this ipod is not the big news of the day.


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  • Surely
    Apr 20, 10:29 AM
    But without the data a paragraph means nothing. Show me a map with that data on it from when location services was off.

    I can't, but maybe these guys can/will.

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  • settledown
    Sep 26, 11:05 AM
    Apple and Cingular go way back.

    Who says that Apple WONT be a Mobile Virtual Network Operator like Virgin Mobile, Helio, Amp'd, mobile ESPN

    ESPN is Sprint
    Helio is Sprint
    Amp'd is Verizon
    Virgin is Sprint in the US, but T Mobile in the UK

    I say Apple iPhone IS MVNO

    Sep 19, 04:20 PM
    This is a great start for Apple and should help sway studios that are still on the fence. Doesnt mean I'm biting though, only thing that'll get me to seriously think of buying a movie would be nothing less than a 720 x 480 reso. I might get impulsive if there are more offerings. Maybe.

    I think Apple should seriously consider offering rentals too. Its dumb not to try it out :)

    While I think rentals would probably create a lot of headache for apple, I am in complete agreement with HD movies on iTMS. I have yet to even buy a single song from the itunes store, but you can be assured that as soon as HD movies and TV shows are available, coupled with the iTV device, I will be buying those right away. Offering at least 720p would make me very happy, and I would be a definite repeat customer.

    Apr 20, 10:04 AM
    I'd rather have none at all. This is a file being stored. It's big bad news.

    Of course that's the ideal answer but an impossible answer. So again, Google or your device/computer?

    Sep 15, 05:34 PM
    3MP iPod camera phone?!?!? i'll be the first one in line to have it:p

    there are a number of phones out in Europe already that have 3MP cameras, Nokia N73 and the sony ericsson w800i to name a few.

    Edit: its the Sony ericsson K800, not the w800

    Apr 25, 09:03 AM

    May 4, 07:15 AM
    b) Any backup of a live system suffers from not being perfectly consistent (as the backed-up system changes during the backup), the faster the backup, the smaller the inconsistencies.

    Only poorly designed backup systems have this problem - the majority of systems around can make a consistent point-in-time backup of a live system.

    See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volume_Snapshot_Service for a description of the most popular solution to the live backup problem.