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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Enfermedad De Paget

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 28, 11:49 PM
    Anyone else voting that they drop the price on the BlackBook to match the white MB? What are the chances, eh?

    that would be nice

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  • milo
    Sep 11, 03:46 PM
    Close, Manic Mouse. I dont understand people's belief that every Intel chip made has to go into an Apple machine. I doubt the Conroe will be used in any Mac nor the Kentsfield. The range is covered, and I'm sick of these silly rumors of Mac mid towers.

    There wont be a mid tower, not now, not "Next Tuesday".

    Conroe is intels best bang for the buck. It would be stupid for apple not to use it, and go with chips that are slower and more expensive instead. But apple still does some things that are stupid.

    I still think we'll see a mid tower, or at least some mac with conroe. Tommorow? Probably not, but who knows?

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  • kavika411
    Apr 20, 10:59 AM
    They don't care about us, they just want our money, like any business.

    I can't dumb this statement down any further, sorry.

    Indeed. You couldn't dumb down that statement if you tried. It's already reached bottom.

    Go hang at dailykos.com. Macrumors appears to be above your pay-grade.

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  • manosaurus
    Oct 12, 12:49 PM
    They might as well add a Core 2 Duo Mac Book Pro too.

    Nah... Core 2 Duo eMac tomorrow... not the MBP...

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  • Al Coholic
    Apr 25, 06:55 PM
    Well crap.

    I suppose this new design will be shaped like an onion dicer a.k.a. "Air" style. I hate the "wedgie" look. If so, looks like the OD will go as well.

    Double crap.

    But I don't like change in general. (They changed the label on my bourbon bottle 10 years ago and it hasn't tasted the same since :()

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  • DHUK
    Sep 1, 08:18 AM
    I'd say a refresh of the Mac Mini and/or iMac might happen. Why would they call both of the existing models 'early 2006' (esp. the mini) in this page.


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  • Doctor Q
    Aug 23, 06:10 PM
    You seem to be unfamiliar with our court system. This case could have dragged on for YEARS, and cost Apple a TON of money--possibly far more than 100 Million.I know the bills add up quickly, but just how much does an active case cost? That's a lot of zeroes!

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  • donlphi
    Sep 5, 01:24 PM
    Is a streaming box really what you want? I mean, it's one thing to connect my airport express to my bose stereo system and let it play a playlist from my computer in my office, but if we have a streaming video, we still have to go to our office and start the video from the other room. If that's the case, I might as well move my computer to my living room.

    They will have to have something that allows you to access your audio and video files with a remote. Maybe an aiport express with a remote control and user interface similar, but better than frontrow.

    Right now a mac mini can do all of the things you need it to. You can stream video from another computer on the network, you can connect it to your T.V. and stereo. What would be the point of a new airport extreme if for $200 more you can get an entire compuer.

    just some random thoughts...

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  • EagerDragon
    Aug 28, 05:03 PM
    You try making something perfect the first time around.

    I know, had that problem with the Avocado, the pit is too big.

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 19, 07:28 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; Nexus S Build/GRI40) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    Samsung running Android look very very similar to Apple's, to the point where it causes confusion in the marketplace for consumers. I've seen several people mistake one of these things for an iPhone because they look that similar. It's a combination of Google's Android and Samsung's hardware.

    This confusion is no accident, that was the intent all along. There is no reason why they could not create their own look and feel... change it up enough so it's not an obvious copy. Other handset makers have been able to do that.

    The Nexus S looks different to the Galaxy S in software and physical looks but is included in the suit. As that is a Google experience device I do wonder why Apple don't target Google directly.

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  • wlh99
    Apr 20, 10:20 AM
    Section 4b of the software license agreement explains it all:


    So does turning of Locations Services stop the data collection, or just stop applications from accessing it?

    Does turning of Location services delete data already in the file?

    I guess it works both ways, if accused of a crime you didn't commit, bring your phone to work and prove you were not their. And if you are going to commit a crime, leave your phone at home.

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  • Maccus Aurelius
    Oct 27, 02:26 PM
    What seriously kills me about all this is that those sensationalist chimpanzees from GP rally against a computer company that presently has roughly 6% (or less) of the computer market....almost every throw away computer I've ever seen were Compaqs, HP's, Dells, Gateways/e-Machines, and a few other generic crap boxes from some nameless plastic factory stuffing windoze in a toaster. Seriously, Greenpeace goofballs should stop stargazing up their rectums and take a look at the largest contributors of hardware refuse. Macs as far as I know are not easily tossed out. apple computers have been primarily hand me downs unless some terrible accident happened rendering it useless. seriously, no one throws away a functioning mac, unless they decided lead paint makes for good breakfast cereal.

    How many of these sap-chugging numbskulls go after Dell for making computers that generally end up being sidewalk fodder? perhaps they should invest their energies into designing the green computer, since they seem to have so much gloriously skilled scientists at their disposal to expose the evil apple. Go team planet!

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  • milo
    Sep 14, 08:54 PM
    I think we'll see the New C2D MacBook's appear on the Apple.com homepage on the 19th, and the following Monday at the event, Apple will announce the New MacBook Pro's with the MacBook style keyboard, and the magnetic latch. As the MacBook Pro is wider, it will get very light magnets at either end of the displays too, to hold it neatly shut.

    I doubt we'd see the MB first, since that really wouldn't make any sense.

    I think we'll just see the MBP as a press release update sometime between now and this event, and then probably an Aperture update at the event, possibly along with other software stuff.

    MB updates will probably be some time after.

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  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 20, 12:48 PM
    So did you opt-in that the government / law enforcement gets the tracking data of your phone (smart-phone,dumb-phone,whatever-phone) .... well does not really matter because they don't care if you opted in or not, they just store it on THEIR server (which is quite different than having it on my phone and my laptop with only me having access ... well its still stored on the government server)

    It's not the same issue. This is a problem with people close to you, be it a spouse, boyfriend, relative, or for that matter a cop lifting information from your phone.

    Personally, I encrypt, I restrict access. So this isn't a problem for me, but that doesn't mean that I don't see the major problem with it.

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  • BenRoethig
    Aug 28, 12:25 PM
    I predict Apple will update from Core 1 to Core 2 within eight days. The only changes beside the CPU is perhaps a doubling of video memory on the iMac and MBPs.

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  • contractcooker
    Apr 4, 11:49 AM
    I am disgusted that this post has a high positive/negative ratio..... this is terrible.

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  • QCassidy352
    Jul 14, 01:22 PM
    To all you G5/PPC fanboys:


    You're impressed that a chip not even available yet beats a chip from june 2003?

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  • EagerDragon
    Sep 26, 08:07 PM
    The phone needs to be open!
    I am tired of getting rip off by the providers, phones need to be able to move from one provider to another.

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  • dr Dunkel
    Mar 23, 01:40 AM
    Call me spoiled by all things thin, I think the iMac is looking pretty chunky these days. Not sure why it isn't significantly thinner than it is. The next time they do update the form factor it should essentially look like a giant first gen iPad.

    I see no end in itself in the iMac getting thinner. Performance is much more important to me. I think the form factor is fine today, and no, today we can't have both. I want a real computer, not a giant iPad.

    Apr 14, 05:54 PM
    After thinking about this some more, I have come to believe this is just damage control over AMD's recent chipset certification (http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/mainboards/display/20110413152041_AMD_First_to_Certify_USB_3_0_Supporting_Chipset.html) from the USB-IF.

    They are just reassuring their support of USB 3.0. I still believe that Thunderbolt will require its additional controller and will not be supported directly on the chipset for Panther Point. (Intel 7 Series, excluding X79)

    Apr 28, 04:35 PM
    That can be viewed another way. Apple is too cheap to bother risking anything that is not a sure bet.

    MS willing to risk R&D and a lot of R&D on things that might be a dead end.
    MS R&D is more like a university Research compared to Apple R&D that is only about profit.
    Guess which one adds more better for the people. Correct answer is not Apple

    MS developed a lot of bad things zune, surface, kin, they probably cancel dual screen tablet. This things was semi baken. Simple economy rule say more poeple are lees prodactive per person than small groups.

    Nov 13, 09:08 PM
    To be fair, that's quite possibly a limitation imposed on them by navteq/teleatlas.
    That is irrelevant. It is still someone's IP and Google is bound by law to honour their license agreement with that other company. It is also possible that Apple could be bound by an agreement for their system icons. Not likely but it is possible. I know that icon factory created a lot of the XP and Vista icons for MSFT.

    I have no problem with people using fair use for justifying their own personal use but publishing apps on the app store whether for free or for profit crosses that line where fair use cannot be used as an argument. These apps are not a commentary or piece of journalism but rather a product offered to promote a commercial product called Airfoil which is available for the mac and windows.

    Are you trying to tell us that you promote ripping off icons from other people? Is it only ok if they are stealing from other companies? What if someone has a custom icon set installed? Did they creator of that icon set consent to this iPhone/iPod Touch app having access to those icons?

    Apr 10, 06:27 PM
    Government-mandated vacation??? Why, those socialists! The damn government can keep its filthy hands outta my- hey, wait a minute... Did you say 5 weeks? :p

    Yep. I used to date a girl from Sweden (mmmm). She would come to visit me all the time while I was out on tour, for several days or even a week at a time. I, as an American, asked how she could get so much time off work with just a day's notice and be able to afford to come see me in other countries. She said she had the right to call out at any time, for however long she wanted (up to her allotted time), AND GET PAID, due to the worker's rules in that country. I think they also have some ridiculous maternity leave like 16 months for BOTH PARENTS, shared somehow. I must say, that is a nice way to do it.

    The US doesn't even have required paid maternity leave, and I believe is one of the only countries in the world not to. Most Americans can't even take their time because they need the money or their employer simply won't let them. Yet, we're the awesome capitalists and have it better than everyone else! :rolleyes:



    Where the F is THAT???

    Sep 26, 09:54 AM
    Check out the October issue of PC Magazine. This phone is on the cover as "what's hot now". It is made by LG. It is described just as the iPhone is being described. So the iPhone can't look like this or they will get sued. Or this is it and LG is making it for Apple???