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Monday, May 16, 2011

broken arm bruise

broken arm bruise. and ruising in this foot!
  • and ruising in this foot!

  • Full of Win
    Apr 22, 05:01 PM
    That looks hideous.

    It was a mock up made based on a sketch given to them. It's not as if they had a CAD file to go from.

    broken arm bruise. junior-seau-pain-roken-arm.
  • junior-seau-pain-roken-arm.

  • The Bazilfunk
    Jul 11, 10:01 PM
    I still don't get the value of wireless in a music player--not in actual practice (battery life and added bulk, vs. the need to plug in to charge, which naturally takes longer than synching anyway).

    But whatever it is, I think its chances will depend a lot on whether it can be as slim and light as an iPod, and the same elegant ease-of-use as iTunes and iPod.

    Wireless music players is the future but also a problem again for the music industry. Taken the popularity of the iPod you would be able to have acces to over a 1000 music librarys in a small city. You would be able get a new network next to the internet dedicated to wireless music and videos. This all if Apple doesn't lock those things out but surely hacks would be created to make this possible.

    Filesharing will move from the internet to the street. I see a lot of things possible with wireless music players. For good and bad but it will definately change the way we listen to music again.

    broken arm bruise. He#39;s got a nasty scrape at the top of his arm too. That one looks so painful.
  • He#39;s got a nasty scrape at the top of his arm too. That one looks so painful.

  • peapody
    Feb 1, 09:47 PM
    these "Post your last purchase" threads are addicting. Interesting to see what people are out buying. :D

    Bought a used cyclocross bike yesterday. Any bikers here?


    Nice bike. How much did it run you?

    There is a whole lot of members here who bike...

    Picture of Your Bike thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=218370&page=32)

    broken arm bruise. Nothing is roken.
  • Nothing is roken.

  • dextertangocci
    Jul 28, 07:19 AM
    It will FAIL!!!!!!!

    Idiot M$:rolleyes:

    broken arm bruise. better a roken arm than a ruised spirit | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
  • better a roken arm than a ruised spirit | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

  • Reventon
    Nov 24, 01:00 PM
    Hmm. I'd say a Logitech G27 Racing Wheel and a new LCD TV to go with my GT5 game. Realistically, I'll probably get the DFGT and get a new TV only if my current CRT TV breaks.

    broken arm bruise. With his arm in a sling and
  • With his arm in a sling and

  • smilechild
    Apr 23, 08:46 PM
    I've waited for this for so long, I hope the iPhone comes to T-mobile this year... it would be an answered prayer!!!

    broken arm bruise. Also, the ruising on the
  • Also, the ruising on the

  • iBookG4user
    Sep 15, 10:53 PM
    Decided to get my one expensive electronic for several months (College student budget)


    broken arm bruise. Bruises, Bumps and Dancing by
  • Bruises, Bumps and Dancing by

  • cmChimera
    Mar 31, 10:52 AM
    I like it, but I also liked the iPad's Calendar.

    broken arm bruise. bit and shake my arm out.
  • bit and shake my arm out.

  • HuggyLowDown
    Apr 13, 08:04 PM
    Yes! Finally! I've been waiting for the white iPhone 4 since launch. I'm with Verizon and I'm eligible to upgrade to the iPhone on April 22nd. Just in time. I was going to go ahead with the black, but now I'm going with white.

    broken arm bruise. hoff eye ruise arm
  • hoff eye ruise arm

  • drew.bowser
    May 2, 12:25 PM
    If that is true then im going to buy Windows 7 and a PC and pretend I like it...:cool:

    I would do the same thing...but i couldnt pretend. it too blantant of a lie to those around me who know me.

    broken arm bruise. Bruise on my upper arm.
  • Bruise on my upper arm.

  • skunk
    Jan 30, 05:53 PM
    I use iWeb:


    broken arm bruise. be roke BOTH arm bones.
  • be roke BOTH arm bones.

  • asleep
    Apr 22, 07:21 PM
    Sweet. :apple:

    Dunno what all the whining is about.

    broken arm bruise. ruise on my upper arm.
  • ruise on my upper arm.

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 29, 10:46 PM
    I'm not sure at what price point predatory pricing becomes an issue, but I would think that Amazon may have crossed that line.

    Now, it may be possible that Amazon is not offering the same product at $.69 a song. For example I have downloaded a song from Amazon that I paid $.99 for, and was surprised to see it did not have the same sample rate as my iTunes songs.

    At some point I can't see the studios nor the artists wanting to take an income-per-song hit without having their say about it. If Amazon is selling music at a loss per song, then the FTC might have a say about that.

    you can try that argument but Amazon can just simply point out that it is a hell of a smaller of a player compared to iTMS in that department and is just trying to gain some marketshare.

    Remember rules are different for top dogs that it is for the minor ones.

    As for sample rate it is around the same point as Apple. It use VBR encoding compared to Apple 160 ACC. End result is they sound the same.

    I like Amazons system because it will play in anything that plays MP3s. ACC it is hit or miss if it will work. For example I can play MP3 burned to a data cd in my car . I can not play ACC files burnt to a data cd in my car.

    broken arm bruise. better a roken arm than a ruised spirit | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
  • better a roken arm than a ruised spirit | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

  • digitalbiker
    Oct 19, 12:02 PM
    everytime apple has posted earnings in the past 2 years, i wake up the following morning and go 'why didnt i ever invest in apple'.


    Apple hasn't done that well over the last year.

    It has done great over the last 6 - 7 years but it has been fairly static over the last year or so.

    In fact last year in January it was higher than it is right now.

    broken arm bruise. Note the small hole in the arm
  • Note the small hole in the arm

  • zin
    Apr 22, 05:01 PM
    If they're going to make it a substantial upgrade to the display, then I can't see them calling this iPhone 5...

    The increase in number for each model has worked okay until now, but I don't know.. it's getting to the point where it's sounding stupid. I can see "iPhone 4GS" working, but iPhone 5 or iPhone 6? Meh...

    And the design of the enlarged display in that mock-up looks ugly, in my opinion.

    broken arm bruise. I honestly do not ruise that
  • I honestly do not ruise that

  • lordonuthin
    Oct 28, 06:24 PM
    Nice. Those amd machines add up since you have so many. How do you deal with heat?

    The heat is an issue, for now I can open windows and use fans but by next summer I will have to do something about it. I'm actually contemplating cutting a hole in the basement floor (concrete) and digging down several feet to place a tubing coil that could be used to cool the cpu's directly with water blocks. That would require a manifold to distribute the coolant to all of the cpu's and possibly gpu's. That might be cheaper electric wise but would take money and time to implement. Wait a sec, I just realized I already have a hole in the floor for the sump, hmmmm. Anyway I have some time to contemplate the possibilities, and I can do all of the work myself. I know some folks in the heating/cooling business that could help design a system so I will maybe talk with them at some point. Another possibility is a small window ac just for the computer room or moving everything to the basement where it is cooler anyway... but damp in the spring. Lots of possibilities - Google is my friend :D

    broken arm bruise. a doctor with a roken arm
  • a doctor with a roken arm

  • SFStateStudent
    Apr 14, 08:35 PM
    Both iPhone & iPad are updated; can they get the updates to be a FULL GB instead of 666MB? Gawwwwww! :eek:

    broken arm bruise. My arm about a few hours after
  • My arm about a few hours after

  • Katharine
    Oct 24, 07:40 AM
    anything for macbooks? please?

    broken arm bruise. A ruised kidney will most
  • A ruised kidney will most

  • scottnj1966
    Sep 30, 05:27 AM
    I really think AT&T cannot make it better.
    MMS is not looking that good either. I know many that still cannot use it.
    Dropped calls all the time. The alien voice syndrom was always funny, but not anymore.

    They are over their heads. Too much to handle.

    The only thing that they can do is let apple out of the agreement so other carriers can take some of the load off their hands.

    I will stay with AT&T since most everyone I know uses it, but it would be nice to let everyone that came to AT&T to be able to go back to the carrier of their choice.

    I also think AT&T should lower the monthly charges. They were suppose to use the extra to upgrade. That didnt happen. Now they are scrambling.

    Jul 25, 09:00 AM
    But judging by the US price its gonna be a good �50+ :eek:

    �49 inc VAT. not too bad, my original BT mouse was �59 when first released, just remember the old days of Mac mice and KB's, �250 for the Adjustable Keyboard!!! even a basic was �50!

    Aug 18, 08:12 AM
    You watch too much Star Trek. It's still a computer, not a digital house servant. Although..... that would be pretty cool. "Computer, go make me a sandwich."
    I also find that in the near future.

    Definitely coming soon.

    Dec 1, 02:14 PM
    Apple definitely needs to get more serious about security. As more people start to buy Macs, more people will start to tinker and find holes. I hope Apple will rise to the challenge.

    My feelings exactly. Its bad enough that the vulnerabilities are "easy" to discover and puncture, but as the marketshare goes up, there is no doubt that we are going to get exploited more and more, and I really don't want our OS caught with its pants down by its ankles like Windows.

    Apple has a couple of advantages by being Unix based, but because its a hybrid kernel, like LMH said, they also get some inevitable vulnerabilities. They gotta get a bit more serious about auditing their code. For all of the problems MS has had, I will say this. At least they have already had them, and by now have gotten such an auditing system in place that "dummy" vulnerabilities don't get through in releases as easily.

    Jul 28, 01:15 PM
    True, but as i have send in a previous thread about MS, the people behind their XBox division are actually "cool" and creative and MS is said to be giving them lots of freedom. Let's not wholeheartly disregard our competition here - even though it feels good to do so!

    Also true, but they're not cool enough that people would want to advertise that they have one. That's where Apple is ahead. It's cool to have an iPod, it's cool to have a Mac. I never got compliments on my computer when I had a boring POS Dell.

    Apr 26, 05:34 PM
    What's that supposed to mean? You're not specials but you're still special? Maybe in the sense that you both are wolves?
    How could we be wolves if you are one, and there are only two?