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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Animal Pictures To Colour In For Kids

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  • VanNess
    Aug 7, 04:24 PM
    By the way, I don't want to say Leopard is a disappointment compared to Vista, obviously we were not shown Leopard in action to any great degree yet. But the keynote (at least the Leopard part) was definitely a disappointment. It hardly scratched the surface of just about everything that everybody was most interested in/concerned about.


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  • Multimedia
    Aug 21, 01:25 AM
    Mac Pros will need 64bit Leopard to achieve their full multi-core potential. Expect all Core 2 based Macs to hold value well through the next release cycle of OSX Leopard.

    Apple is still selling G5's on the website for $3299! Until
    Adobe gets out - and optimizes - universal binaries, Quad G5 will sell for more than Quad Xeon Mac Pros! :rolleyes:Quad G5 is only $2799 on the SAVE refurb page. Refurbs are the same as new with a new warranty. But I think that would be a poor choice compared to a Mac Pro. The Mac Pro is not cheaper because you have to add more expensive RAM. But it is faster overall and Rosetta Photoshop performance isn't bad. Quad G5 will also benefit from Leopard don't forget. It's not like Leopard is going to not be written to take advantage of the 64-bit G5 as well.

    But I would not recomend a G5 Quad to anyone at this point. I'm pondering a Mac Pro purchase myself. But I'm going to try and hold out for a refurb or even see if I can wait for Clovertown. But I'm likely to be one of the first to snag a Mac Pro refurb when they hit the SAVE page in November-December. By then I may even be thinking about waiting for the January 9th SteveNote. Quad G5 is no slouch. But Mac Pro is faster overall.And I thought you were married to your quad last week ......While I may be married to my Quad G5, we're not exclusive and she likes a threesome with the younger faster models as much as I do too. :p

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  • crawdad62
    Aug 25, 03:21 PM
    I was a "Helper" in the discussions and I'm now a "Level 4." I've been around the discussions for quite a while. I can't say anything about the support people are getting on the phone by personal experience but I've seen a lot of rumblings on the discussions.

    As was stated it's hard to gauge exactly how people are treated because most are frustrated even before they call. Same thing happens in the discussions.

    My only dealings with Apple Support was a few years ago. On Christmas day the modem on my Pismo went out. I just for a lark called to see if anyone was in and not only was someone there I was taken care of quite nicely. The next day I had a box to send it off and three days later I had it back. Not bad for a notebook that was about two weeks short of the warranty expiring.

    I think that Apples growth of late might be the cause of some problems. They've got a bunch of new user (switchers) that might need a bit more "hand holding" (and that's not meant to be derogatory, it's just people that aren't exactly used to Mac in general).

    I know one thing for sure. Apple's decision to let their Discussions staff go wasn't a good thing.

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  • Tears Apart
    Mar 25, 10:30 PM

    bring it on, i'm ready

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  • mikewilder23
    Jun 21, 03:43 AM
    well looking forward for its launching...:)

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  • Flippies
    Apr 8, 04:40 AM
    Final Cut Playmobil for the reel editors


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  • ugp
    Jun 22, 12:23 PM
    I am in Inverness, FL.

    I have 3 stores in my County and only 2 of them received phones. The store I reserved mine at did not get any. But they issued the most PINs.

    Citrus County and North is my District area.

    As I am not an employee there anymore I cannot check stock myself.
    I will see if my buddy can pull a Regional View and Print it out.

    The Region (Region 2) is getting 139. Every District is getting phones. Lowests being 4 and the highest being 29.

    ALSO Note, This is what Stores are receiving right now. There is no word until tonight if more will be coming in tomorrow. I will keep you all posted.
    The Region consists of all of Florida and Georgia.

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  • tazinlwfl
    Apr 25, 02:25 PM
    I think most people are missing this key bit of info - Location Services was turned off and the database was purged, and it still made a new database with new data...

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  • Angelus520
    Aug 11, 10:41 AM
    Take a look at the Nokia E61. I just got one to replace my BlackBerry and love it. It's the European version and you have to buy it unlocked ($350 or so) but it works great. Cingular is coming out with a dumbed down version called the E62 but strips away some of the cool features like WiFi. Go figure - an American phone with less features than the one sold in the rest of the world.

    With crappy phones and our pathetic broadband infrastructure, you'd think we were Third World rather than a "Superpower."

    I don't care so much about the iPod capability, but I would like to see the result of a smartphone by Apple. I haven't jumped on the bandwagon of the Treos and Palms.

    Call me a sucker, but I'd like somehting that could do all the mundane, make my life easier, organization crap, and have it look cool as well. Oh, and not run on a crap OS.

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  • Reventon
    Aug 10, 10:47 AM
    The Signature Edition is only available in Europe and Australia/NZ and not North America.


    That said, I've already pre-ordered the Collector's Edition when they announced its release. (I probably wouldn't get it anyway, I'm not to keen on spending $300 for a game when I could get a Logitech G27 for roughly the same price). I love the GT series. The graphics look AMAZING and I can't wait for November to roll around. :D

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  • Mr Fusion
    Mar 26, 01:33 AM

    Yet another unimpressive "major" update to an O/S that's showing it's age and irrelevance. (Hell it's already to most consumers nothing more than "That thing you gotta hook your iPad up to to make it work.) Compared to the iDevice world, the computer side of Apple has ground to a halt. Is it intentional I wonder...? ;)

    Enough!! Combine MacOS and iOS already!!! The transition is so painfully slow, would someone else in tech get off their lazy ass and prod these guys to move a LITTLE quicker?!?


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  • Macinbest
    Aug 28, 01:50 AM
    They are indeed having support problems...

    I sent my iMac in for repairs at a service center on July 24th (they changed the power supply, HD, superdrive), and I didn't have the computer back until August 25th!!!! 32 days! :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Called the store many times and they were waiting for apple to ship the parts... called Apple and I was forwarded to their Dispatch dept. and indeed nothing had been sent.. :mad:

    I wonder... could I possibly complain enough to get my AppleCare reimbursed or something as a compensation.. I mean 32 days without my main computer... coding on a 12" ibook 600 has been rather aggravating.

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  • technocoy
    Nov 29, 01:00 PM
    I can't get over the blind greed of these companies.

    I'm waiting on Apple to get "threatened" by the bastards one time too many and then Apple says "ok" then approaches all the artists and opens the store to them paying part of their production costs and then giving them 80 percent of the profit off every song sold. Let's see how long the record companies KEEP their artists after that.

    They better wake up to the new century before their artists do.

    With most music savvy artists able to produce an album for less than a few thousand bucks now, Apple could turn on the industry and just blow it out at any moment. the industry could fragment into producers and mastering studios that get only for the service of producing and then it goes up to iTunes where it's subjected to reviews by peers and by a DIGG type system to promote it.

    Browsing and sampling does a lot to increase ones musical library.. I found 80 percent of my new music by just searching and browsing on napster back in the day... I would find a new artist by chance and then go and by their CD. If apple would make their previews longer you would have the same type environment.

    I'm not against a company making billions, but those billions should be made from giving the people who put them there what they want.

    ugh. sorry, rant over.

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  • SiliconAddict
    Aug 7, 07:41 PM
    The Meh was strong in that keynote. I was looking for something explosive and found a snap bang that someone threw to the ground. Short of those top secret features :rolleyes: being something earth shattering Leopard looks to be another micro update to OS X. While any forward momentum in the OS is a good thing what we've seen of Leopard does not suggest that gulf that will be closed with Vista (After SP1 & 2 that is.) is going to be widened again with Leopard.
    The things dumped into the OS are simply more addon crap. That isn't to say adding new features aren't welcome but the time is right for a serious revamp to the UI of OS X.
    I'm not happy about this development. It seems as if real forward momentum in OS X has all but stalled. Like most of Apple now a days they aren't taking chances anymore with their wares be it software or hardware. They seem to focus on finding previously used ideas, slap a new coat of paint on it, buff it up to a nice shine, then give it some "fun" name and call it innovation.
    Apple may have been in decline in the 90's but at least that Apple took chances. Took risks on new and innovative hardware. I want the old Apple back. . . to a point. More then anything I want to get excited in a product that is revolutionary not evolutionary. :(

    Call me a cynic, but I'd say Apple either hasn't implemented them yet or hasn't thought of them yet.

    Or they are so buggy at this point they aren't ready to demo them. That is my guess. This crap about not wanting MS to copy. Sorry but Windows is feature locked at this point. There is simply NO way for Microsoft to roll out anything new unless its such a minor thing that it would be easy to do. I really wish Apple wouldn't spit in my face and call it rain.

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  • awesomebase
    Mar 31, 07:16 PM
    I would add I never understand the comparison of Smartphones running Android to smartphones running IOS.

    Neither Google or Apple sell their phone operating systems, and the Android spectrum is made up of 50 handsets from 10 different manufacturers who are in direct competition with each other. They are not one big group working together to take on Apple. It makes absolutely zero sense to make that kind of comparison.

    It is just as weird as loping off iPod and iPad IOS users...

    If people want to compare smartphones, then compare actual sales of individual smartphones, each which only use one OS. People should not draw meaningless lines in the sand lumping all android based handsets together, because they are not together other than they run android. They might as well compare black phones to white phones.

    I imagine if you made a chart of the top selling smartphones in the last 5 years, it would consist of the iPhone 4, the iPhone 3GS, the iPhone 3G and the iPhone.

    Why not group smartphones by what kind of graphics chip they have or what type of memory chip they use? The OS is irrelevant. Nobody in the smartphone business is directly making money off any of these oses, it is a stupid way to categorize smart phones.

    Of course it happens because if they didn't lump them together it would look absurd with Apple totally dominating the smart phone market with their latest phone every year while 100 android commodity phones all have tiny market shares just to get replaced by the next one.

    How does HTC running android OS benefit or relate to a Motorola phone running android? It does not, at all.

    From an engineering perspective and from a manufacturer's perspective, you're correct. But from an investment's perspective your argument doesn't work. Investors are concerned about Google's ability to profit from this and they compare "Platforms" to get an idea about where people are trending to. That is why despite BB growing, their stock is actually going to be in the trash in a couple of years if not sooner. Their "OS" is basically worthless... people don't value it as much as Android or iOS and as the phones that run those platforms continue to drop in price and become more capable, BB has no choice but to practically give their phones away to make their numbers (albeit at carrier-subsidized prices, but their prices and margins get severely eroded over time).
    Just wanted to point that out... your logic is correct, just not applicable to all scenarios...

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  • shawnce
    Sep 13, 12:04 PM
    Whilst true in that regard, BeOS also had threads for event queues too if you used BLooper, which could also be overused.

    Mac OS X has runloops which are flexible event processing constructs that can be run per thread. So nothing really unique in regards to BeOS in that regard.

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  • SandynJosh
    Mar 31, 10:40 PM
    Thats not at all what this article is saying. The Android project is still going to be "open source".

    Uh, yeah...and all animals are equal, but pigs are more equal.

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 19, 08:51 PM
    I also find it amusing when I see posters participating in Macpro discussions when they have publicly stated that they have no intention of buying a Macpro. WTF?? Don't they have a life outside of macrumors? If I owned a G5 Quad and had no intention of buying a Macpro, I'd be spending all of my spare time doing cool stuff with my machine... instead of wasting that time participating in discussions that have nothing to do with me. I might read though some of the threads now and then, just to keep up with technology - but to particpate and debate, what a waste. I guess some folks have no life.While it is true I have no life, it is not true I have fully decided to skip buying a Mac Pro. These discussions have lead me to a place of indecision about it rather than what I previously thought, which was to skip it. I never intended to talk anyone out of buying one if they want one. And I never intended to talk bad dirt against it. My apologies to anyone who thought I did. :(

    My hearty congratulations to all who have taken the Mac Pro plunge already.

    I am also waiting to see what the full scope of Core 2 offerings will be as I want a 17" Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro more first.

    As far as the comment that Toast and Handbrake can use all four cores goes, Toast definitely does in the Mac Pro and if you add a significant action to the Quad G5, it will negatively impact the 2-3 core performance of Handbrake as well as Toast. That is what I meant. If it wasn't clear before now, I apologize for the imcomplete explanation of my meaning.

    I feel misunderstood by some of you. No harm intended. Not anti-Mac Pro at all. Not trying to ratinoalize Quad G5 as somehow better - no way. Not trying to negatively impact Mac Pro sales. I'm totally Pro Mac Pro. Regret the misunderstanding. Wish I hadn't hurt some people's feelings. :o

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  • jaxstate
    Aug 11, 02:53 PM
    We'll like a previous post said, they must release serveral phones, because i'm sure they want all the market they can get.
    Perhaps. But thats about right for a Nokia N series with most of the features we have been mentioning.

    Apr 6, 03:41 PM

    Sep 13, 11:58 AM
    Man, I don't know why people keep saying this. On OS X, *all software utilizes the extra cores*. The only way it wouldn't is if you have less than 8 processes running, which I guarantee you that you don't. (System alone requires 20-30 processes to run.)

    Granted, 8 cores won't make Mail open up faster, but there are still plenty of ways to use those cores, and that's only going to increase as apps are re-written to be more heavily multi-threaded.

    NOT TRUE....The Quad core G5 people are in an uproar because Logic Pro only uses 2 cores on the G5....they updated Logic Pro so it uses 4 cores, but the G5 Quad still only uses 2 cores....there are also photoshop actions that are NOT multi core aware so will only run on one core.....Hopefully 10.5 will make all this irrelevant.

    Apr 11, 02:35 AM
    Except he rewrote iMovie all my himself before showing it to Apple. Jobs then chose to adopt the new interface.
    So if anything, what you find crap in iMovie was Ubilos' ideas.

    Things I don't like to hear... In all honesty I just hope he wanted to separate iMovie from Pro products even more... I have bad feeling about all of this. Rumors about FCP being FC (literally not going for pro anymore) and aiming for online consumer delivery like YouTube makes me sick. If they have killed tape input / output you know that moment Apple really made iCut"Pro".

    Mar 22, 01:40 PM
    Yeah a 50% smaller screen for the same price and less battery life is certainly going to crush the iPad2.

    The screen is not 50% smaller. Nice way of making yourself look stupid.

    Playbook has that elusive flash support out of the box which every apple fanboy wants to hide under the rug.

    OS is more eloquent than iOS.

    Mar 31, 04:36 PM
    Maybe they should have thought of focusing on integration a little more than putting out a phone every week.